Beyond the Booth
- What’s your theme song? “Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough” by Michael Jackson. It’s my favorite and it always puts me in a good mood.
- What is your spirit animal and why? I’ve never really thought about this… so I just googled spirit animals and took a short 15 question quiz to find out what mine was. It was a Whale. Here is why verbatim copied and pasted from a 100 percent accurate and credible source, the INTERNET. “Your spirit animal is the whale because you have a strong inner voice, and always follow your own truth. Because you are so in touch with reality, you are self-aware and don’t get involved in drama. You have strong bonds and emotional ties with those you love”.
- What is the first concert you’ve ever been to? In the sixth grade I attended a DEF LEPPARD concert. I was surrounded by 40 and 50 year old men with mullets and beer bellies. It was awesome, from that day forward I wished my spirit animal was a DEF LEPPARD.